Thursday, March 1, 2007

March 2 - More Boston Madness, More Global Warming and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEXAS!

To Boston,

In the immortal words of Agent Pleakley from Lilo and Stitch, "Here, educate yourself."

Best regards,

Soon after the debacle of Bostonians mistaking electric signs of cartoon characters for weapons of mass distruction, Boston has now taken to blowing up traffic monitors (the little black boxes, not the people.) Story and video here. That's right, it seems the traffic dept. put out a monitor to count passing cars and the bomb squad naturally saw that as an opportunity to set off some fire-crackers. What a bunch of nut-jobs.


Happy Birthday Texas! March 2, 1836 is when the Republic of Texas announced it's independence from Mexico, starting a war that would last, well, less than two months, really. It began with the siege of the Alamo, and we all remember that, right? It ended in April when General Sam Houston acquitted himself nicely at the decisive Battle of San Jacinto. This battle, which lasted less than 20 minutes, decimated Santa Anna's force while only costing a handful of Texan casualties. I'm afraid the boys were a might ruthless, though, being a bit riled from Santa Anna's take no prisoners approach at the Alamo. All the same, they only killed a little over 1/4 of the Mexicans and they let Santa Anna live. Mighty generous, all things considered.


A trend is beginning to show in the environmental debate. Along with the increasingly shrill voices seeking to stifle debate on the issue, more attention is being paid to the contrary view, of late. Most recently, National Geographic published an article on Global Warming from a Russian Scientist. He posits a theory that actually correlates well with the temperature record linking the Sun's activity temperature change. He is not some crazy lone wolf, either. A prominent Environmental Geologist from Canada promotes a very similar theory and has a boatload of geologic records to corroborate the theory.

Setting the contravening theory aside, this trend could be for one of two reasons (oh, there may be others, but two will do for now.) Either man generated Global Warming is, in fact, fact and it just makes sensational news to run contrary news pieces or, the holes in man generated Global Warming theory are tearing so wide that it is about to implode like a shredded balloon and folks are finally waking up to the valid contrary arguments. It seems like Global Warming is going the way of the Ice Age and Malthusian scares in the 70's.


joeyblades said...

The planet has been going through regular cycles of global cooling and global warming for billions of years. It's a natural phenomenon that results from regular patterns of solar activity, precession of the Earth's orbit, the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit and changes in the tilt of the Earth's axis.

Of course, just because it's natural doesn't mean it's not our fault... this time. What a supreme irony that we should be punished for our selfish behavior as a direct result of our selfish behavior.

YourHumbleHost said...

The Wizbang link provided by yetanotherjohn was broken. Here it is, fixed: UK Documentary: The Great Global Warming Swindle