Monday, April 2, 2007

April 2 - MIHOP, LIHOP, Conspiracy Theory Goes Mainstream

I could not post this yesterday because of the confusion April Fool's day would have caused. If you are not familiar with the Liberal blogosphere, what I write next is just too crazy to believe. Unfortunately belief in these ideas is prevalent.

MIHOP and LIHOP stand for "Made It Happen On Purpose" and "Let It Happen On Purpose". These two initialisms are usually prepended by "Bush" or some derogatory name for the President and they always refer to the attack on and subsequent collapse of the World Trade Center in New York on Sept. 11. I don't remember the exact numbers, but something north of 70% of the readers of The Daily Kos and The Democratic Underground believe that this administration either planned and executed the attack or were completely aware of the plan and let it occur as a pretext to wage war.

Further, many of these nutjobs believe that the towers were not brought down by the planes, but rather by explosives planted in advance, also by the administration, or so the claim goes. You have not heard about this because it was mostly kept out of the mainstream press and off the networks because even they seemed to know that was to product of insanity.

Until now.

Apparently the extremely valuable addition to "The View", Rosie O'Donnell, has seen fit to share her belief in these very ideas. Popular Mechanics Has seen fit to respond to her claims. Rosie has a undeservedly large following who will be swayed by her opinion. I certainly hope that ABC shares what the experts think on this matter in order to balance her influence. In fact, I rather think they should be required to.


joeyblades said...

Nothing is more entertaining than "entertainers" opening their big mouths about stuff they know nothing about.

Now Rosie is a special case because she's like the black hole of conspiracy theories. The Twin Towers is just the latest to come across her acretion disk.

Do you think anyone has clued her in on on JFK, the Moon landing, or the Holocaust?

With each theory she absorbs she gains more and more mass. At this rate, Rosie will become the most massive object in our universe within 50 years... unless, of course she evaporates first... I'm betting on the latter.

joeyblades said...

Given the volume of molten metal at the Earth's core... clearly this conspiracy goes all the way back to the creator.