Tuesday, April 3, 2007

April 4 - My Favorite Link

My all time favorite spot on the internet is this: NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day. The picture for today was just so astonishing that I thought I'd share. It is a picture of what is probably the largest active volcano in the solar system.

Every day the folks who run that site select a new picture that shows off astrological, geological and meteorological science. They keep an archive easily accessible on the page of every picture they have published over the last ten years or so.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

1 comment:

joeyblades said...

I'm sure being there would be more impressive... To me, it just looks like a few bright pixels on the dark side of Io... and yeah, also a bubble of gasses and debris oozing out on the horizon, but I dunno, it just didn't speak to me...

However, I looked back over the last several days and saw the hexagonal clouds of Saturn from yesterday and the solar flare from two days ago... Now those I found impressive!

I found a dashboard widget to put those on my desktop each day:
